The First Duty of Love is to Listen


About Loving Therapy

Loving Therapy In Gainesville, FL
Loving Therapy was started in 2011 and opened as an official company on Valentine’s day 2013, to provide mental health and family counseling services as well as other programs and services to benefit community mental health. The name was chosen in part because it is easy to explain to children that a therapist is like a doctor for your heart and your feelings, Loving Therapy, and because love is so central to our mental health.

Any person can be therapeutic. We can have more healthy communities and all help in ways that are therapeutic when we love one another well. Reducing stigma, building trust and keeping confidences, and encouraging people to get help when they need it is loving

Rachel Hofer In Gainesville, FL

-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

- Therapy for Depression and Anxiety

-Self esteem help

-Child Abuse

-Therapy for mental illness

-Relationship Counseling for Couples

-Addiction & Recovery

-Conflict Resolution

-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

-Theophostic Prayer/Healing Prayer

-Play Therapy

-Domestic Violence Victims

-Therapy for mental illness


-Sexual Abuse

-College/University Students

-Counseling for living with bipolar

-Identity Counseling

-Family Counseling

-Parenting Support

-Grief Counseling

-Work and Career issues

-Stress Management

-Life Coaching Coaching focuses on the here and now and not on past hurts.With a coach you can identify your passions, gifts, calling to accomplish goals and dreams to move from where you are to where you want to be!

-Psychodrama -  Use psychodrama to face and conquer your fears, worries, and hold-ups.

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